Having recently reopened for tourism, Vietnam is determined to make the most of this new normal and get its popular tourism industry back on track. And in order to do that, the country’s government has taken some steps to ensure that travelers to Vietnam can make the most out of their trip without too many travel restrictions.
1. Is Vietnam Open for Tourists Now?
Yes, Vietnam is wide open for tourism, and is actively promoting its amazing attractions globally again, with all normal options for travelers open once more. E-visas are once again open for applications for those from the 81 eligible countries, and those from the 25 countries in Asia and Europe that were previously provided with visa exemptions may once again travel visa-free.
Moreover, there are also no COVID testing requirements for travelers flying to Vietnam, as of 15 March 2022. All testing requirements have been temporarily suspended in order to boost the country’s tourism.
2. What are the Current Entry Requirements to Vietnam?
No COVID test or vaccination certificate is required.
As of May 2022, there is no requirement to produce a vaccination card to prove you have been vaccinated or a testing certificate to show you are COVID-negative. These requirements have been suspended for the time being, as tourism gets back on track in Vietnam.
However, you do need to check the requirements of your airline, as certain global airlines are still requiring vaccination cards or certificates to show proof of vaccination before allowing passengers to travel. And there will be a short health screening when you arrive at the airport in Vietnam, which normally includes taking your temperature and a few simple questions.
There is no need for a COVID test or vaccination certificate for your Vietnam tour anymore.
Quarantine is not required when arriving in Vietnam.
Due to the relaxing of the restrictions for passengers and travelers entering Vietnam, there is no longer a requirement for quarantine when arriving in the country. However, if you are suspected of being positive for COVID, you will be required to be set aside in local isolation while being tested.
Travelers must self-monitor their health for 10 days after entry.
It is advised that all travelers entering Vietnam self-monitor their health conditions for at least ten days after arriving. This is to ensure that they are not carrying the virus in its incubation stage when they arrive. This is done through the “PC-Covid Viet Nam” Mobile app, which all visitors must download and use upon entry to Vietnam. Monitoring status can be entered on the app so that you can correctly monitor your health status.
Travelers need to purchase travel insurance covering Covid-19.
Another requirement for travelers to Vietnam is the requirement to have complete travel and medical insurance that also covers all travelers for COVID situations. With the cost of hospital services for COVID treatments being high, the Vietnamese government now requires all travelers to be covered by insurance in case they become COVID infested during their trip. Anyone attempting to enter the country without valid insurance will be refused entry, so it is important that you make sure your COVID cover includes Vietnam in your medical and travel insurance.
3. What are the COVID Prevention Measures in Vietnam?
Face masks are required in some public areas.
With the relaxing of most restrictions, including within the country, the use of face masks and face shields is now no longer mandatory in some places, though there are mandatory requirements for face masks to be worn in public places, including theatres, cinemas, discos, restaurants, and stadiums. They are also still required for hotels, hospitals, and on public transport.
Travelers are required to wear masks in public places in Vietnam.
As of 6 September 2022, the Ministry of Health removed the requirement to wear face masks in outdoor places such as apartment buildings, schools, bus stations, and parks. Other areas, such as shopping malls, supermarkets, and wholesale markets have been deemed optional for the customers.
Preventative health measures are encouraged during the trip.
Other health standards that you would take at home are also applicable on your Vietnam tour. One should always remember to wash your hands regularly, especially after touching the face, and to maintain some amount of social distancing from other people. Coughing and sneezing should be done with the nose and mouth covered, and the tissue used should be disposed of immediately in the proper place.
Travelers experiencing symptoms of COVID should call the health hotline.
For anyone experiencing the symptoms of COVID-19 while on a trip to Vietnam, the first thing to do is use the PC Covid app to notify the fact that you have suspected COVID and then call the health hotline number immediately at 1900-3228. The staff operating the hotline will take some details and provide you with the information of the nearest testing facility, of which there are currently 323 authorized testing facilities across the country.
While there are limited travel restrictions at the moment, the regulations in Vietnam can change with very little notice. The requirement for testing and vaccination was only suspended temporarily, it was not canceled, so it may be reintroduced should things get worse there. For all the latest updates on travel in Vietnam post-COVID, follow us to be sure to be updated regularly.
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